A WhitePubs® Site



Evolution of a Blog

Date: March 23, 2018

        I started writing to the web in 1993 and 1994 and 1995 --- and I even read the HTML Specifications - 3" thick specs - for HTML 1.0, 2.0, up to 4.0, and then said - too much programming! And I got Dreamweaver. Well, it is 2018 and I am learning Rapidweaver, software from Scotland! For the MAC! So my blog will be built into the new website when I build it. This should be interesting.

        I was also running the Fabio Fan Club. Still do. The fan club went from email to Yahoo group to --- FACEBOOK! I still wrote Fabio Stories. I still do - but to FACEBOOK!

       The fan club is a FACEBOOK GROUP!        https://www.facebook.com/groups/211842571719/

        I did fine and enjoyed it for years until my younger son got diagnosed with Leukemia. He died 4 1/2 years later. For 4 1/2 years I was blogging under the umbrella of Leukemia through a Mother's Eyes. And when he died, I was writing crap - a slow disintegration. I knew it was crap so I stopped. My voice was in hiding.

        I incorporated my company in 2007. My younger son had been adamant. That meant that the blog - which had been alive and well for decades - was moved.

        White Enterprises became WhitePubs Enterprises, Inc. WhitePubs. And the bog went to my older personal website. http://www.donnamaie.com/STORYTB_DEW.html and there it will remain.

        But I wasn't updating the bog much. Why? FACEBOOK! I was posting over there. I have an Author Page over there. (https://www.facebook.com/WhitePubs/)

        I even have an Author's Group (an experiment) (https://www.facebook.com/groups/189511864893832/)

        And I have five websites all of which need to be redone in Rapidweaver. (Need to be responsive.)

        And now - there is a war declared against  FACEBOOK!

        And I am reading a book about blogging as an author.....

        I'll tell you a secret - I have 3-4 books in the pipe that are collections from my old blog.

                Adventures in Stalking Fabio. (1990s and including the $16,000 dinner)

                Bloody, Beaten, and Unbowed (My adventures with the Fremont Police Department in 2012)

                Working Mother's Morning (Self-explanatory)

                The Naked Housewife (Oh this is rated ADULT)

        The blog stories and pretty much off-line now so the books can come out - so I have new ones and a few select ones that are the lead stories in the upcoming books.

Older Stories

A lot of my older stories are going to be published in collections. Here's some of my favorites.

From the Adventures in Stalking Fabio:

The hilarious short Essay - The Calendar You Gotta Read This One! (1994) Last Edit 1998. This story appears in the Collection "Adventures in Stalking Fabio"

From Working Mother's Morning:

Working Mother's Morning How a working single mom manages to get to work. This story appears in the Collection of the same name: "Working Mother's Morning"




www.Donnamaie.com my home page
Caliente Morgan my pen name for Hot Cops series - Contemporary sexy alpha books - and the Vampire series
Lady Morgan
my pen name for Regency books
WhitePubs.com My California Corporation - I Produce eBooks, print books - mine

Fabio Inc. (Fabio Inc. Business pages)
Fabio International Fan Club Fan Club Pages since 1995 - Latest news - also see the Facebook Group Page

Fabio Fan club Facebook Group Page (closed group - takes approval)

www.Facebook.com/Whitepubs/ My Facebook Author Page

WhitePubsFan My Author Fan Facebook Group Page (closed group - takes approval)
(you can talk to me!) Exerpts and stories behind the books will pop up here

Why Whitepubs? Because I have three pen names. Four if you count my technical books!

www.donnamaie.com/STORYTB_DEW.html My Blog - You are here.

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